Cream of the Crop 1
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C/C++ Source or Header
645 lines
/* INTPRINT.C by Ralf Brown. Donated to the Public Domain. */
/* Please do not remove my name from any copies or derivatives. */
/* Program History: */
/* v1.00 4/23/89 initial public release */
/* with 4/30/89 list */
/* v1.10 5/21/89 added -I and -f */
/* v1.11 1/6/90 fixed #endif's for compilers which don't handle */
/* labels */
/* v1.20 6/8/90 added -r */
/* v1.30 7/14/90 added -b, tables now stay aligned on odd indents */
/* v1.40 10/6/90 added -B based on changes by Naoto Kimura, -w */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define VERSION "1.40"
#define MAXLINE 81 /* at most 80 chars per line (plus newline) */
#define MAXPAGE 200 /* at most 200 lines per page */
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE !FALSE
#define EPSON_BOLD_ON "\033E"
#define EPSON_BOLD_OFF "\033F"
#define EPSON_ELITE_ON "\033M"
#define EPSON_ELITE_OFF "\033P"
#define EPSON_LEFT_MARG "\033l"
#ifdef __TURBOC__
# include <stdlib.h>
int _Cdecl isatty(int handle) ;
void _setenvp(void) {} /* don't need the environment, so don't include it */
int isspace(char c) { return (c == ' ' || c == '\t') ; }
/*#define PROTOTYPES /* uncomment if compiler supports ANSI-style prototypes */
#define _Cdecl
# include <ctype.h>
char *itoa(num,buf,radix) /* not everybody has the same itoa() as TurboC */
int num ; /* minimal implementation */
char *buf ;
int radix ;
int count = 0 ;
int i ;
char tmp ;
do {
buf[count++] = '0' + num % radix ;
num = num / radix ;
} while (num) ;
buf[count] = '\0' ;
if (count > 1)
for (i = 0 ; i < count / 2 ; i++)
tmp = buf[i] ;
buf[i] = buf[count-i-1] ;
buf[count-i-1] = tmp ;
return buf ;
#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
void usage(void) ;
void indent_line(FILE *fp) ;
void put_line(FILE *fp, int len) ;
int divider_line(char *line) ;
void output_line(char *line,FILE *fp) ;
void fill_buffer(int lines, int lines_per_page) ;
int find_page_break(int lines) ;
void summarize(FILE *summary, int line, int pages_printed) ;
void start_format(char *line) ;
void print_line(char *line) ;
void print_buffer(int first, int last, int lines_per_page, int total_lines, int use_FF) ;
void _Cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) ;
#endif /* PROTOTYPES */
char buffer[MAXPAGE][MAXLINE] ;
char num[6] ;
char summary_line[MAXLINE] ;
int pages_printed = 0 ;
int indent = 0 ;
int widow_length = 10 ; /* number of lines to scan for good place to break */
int page_numbers = FALSE ;
int do_summary = FALSE ;
int do_formats = FALSE ;
int IBM_chars = FALSE ;
int boldface = FALSE ;
int Epson_bold = FALSE ;
int echo_format = FALSE ;
FILE *summary ;
FILE *formats ;
int first_page = 0 ;
int last_page = 9999 ;
void usage()
fputs("INTPRINT v", stderr) ;
fputs(VERSION, stderr) ;
fputs(" by Ralf Brown. Donated to the Public Domain.\n\n",stderr) ;
fputs("Usage: intprint [options] [lines [page_size]] <intlist >output\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t'lines' defaults to 60\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\tif page_size is given, only linefeeds will be used to advance\n",stderr) ;
fputs("Options:\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-p\tadd page numbers\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-nN\tassume N pages have been printed from previous parts\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-rN:M\tprint only pages N through M\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-wN\tscan N lines from bottom of page for good place to break\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-e\tassume 'elite' mode (96 characters per line)\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-iN\tindent output N spaces\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-E\tspecifies that the printer is an Epson FX80 or compatible\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t\t-E forces -e -i8\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-b\tboldface title lines and Return:/Note:\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-B\tboldface using Epson control codes instead of overprinting\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-I\tprinter supports IBM graphics characters\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-sfile\twrite a one-line-per-function summary to 'file'\n",stderr) ;
fputs("\t-ffile\twrite all data structures to 'file'\n",stderr) ;
exit(1) ;
void indent_line(fp)
FILE *fp ;
int ind = indent ;
while (ind >= 8)
fputc('\t',fp) ;
ind -= 8 ;
while (ind-- > 0)
fputc(' ', fp) ;
void put_line(fp,len)
FILE *fp ;
int len ;
int i ;
if (IBM_chars)
for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
fputc(196,fp) ; /* single horizontal line */
for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
fputc('-',fp) ;
int divider_line(line)
char *line ;
return strncmp(line,"--------",8) == 0 ;
void output_line(line,fp)
char *line ;
FILE *fp ;
int pos = 0 ;
char bold[10] ;
if (boldface)
if (strncmp(line,"INT ",4) == 0)
indent_line(fp) ;
if (Epson_bold)
fputs(EPSON_BOLD_ON,fp) ;
fputs(line,fp) ;
fputs(EPSON_BOLD_OFF,fp) ;
line = NULL ;
fputs(line,fp) ;
fputc('\r',fp) ;
else if (strncmp(line,"Return:",7) == 0 || strncmp(line,"Note:",5) == 0 ||
strncmp(line,"Notes:",6) == 0 || strncmp(line,"BUG:",4) == 0 ||
strncmp(line,"SeeAlso:",8) == 0)
strncpy(bold,line,sizeof bold) ;
*strchr(bold,':') = '\0' ;
indent_line(fp) ;
if (Epson_bold)
fputs(EPSON_BOLD_ON,fp) ;
fputs(bold,fp) ;
fputs(EPSON_BOLD_OFF,fp) ;
pos = strlen(bold) ; /* we're no longer at the left edge of the */
line += pos ; /* line, so figure out where we are */
fputs(bold,fp) ;
fputc('\r',fp) ;
if (line && *line)
if (pos == 0) /* are we currently at the left edge of the line? */
indent_line(fp) ; /* if yes, indent the desired amount */
if (indent % 8)
while (*line)
if (*line == '\t')
do {
fputc(' ',fp) ;
} while (++pos % 8) ;
fputc(*line,fp) ;
pos++ ;
line++ ;
fputs(line,fp) ;
fputc('\n',fp) ;
void fill_buffer(lines,lines_per_page)
int lines, lines_per_page ;
int i, last ;
if (lines)
for (i = lines ; i < lines_per_page ; i++)
strcpy(buffer[i-lines], buffer[i]) ;
lines = lines_per_page ;
for (i = lines_per_page - lines ; i < lines_per_page ; i++)
buffer[i][0] = '\0' ; /* force empty line in case of EOF */
fgets(buffer[i], sizeof(buffer[i]), stdin) ;
last = strlen(buffer[i]) - 1 ;
if (last < 0)
last = 0 ;
if (buffer[i][last] == '\n')
buffer[i][last] = '\0' ; /* strip the newline */
int find_page_break(lines)
int lines ;
int i ;
for (i = 0 ; i < widow_length ; i++)
if (strcmp(buffer[lines-i-1],"\n") == 0 ||
strlen(buffer[lines-i-1]) == 0 ||
return lines - i ;
return lines ;
void summarize(summary, line, pages_printed)
FILE *summary ;
int line, pages_printed ;
char *s ;
int i ;
int max_descrip ;
int len ;
s = buffer[line] ;
if (strncmp(s, "INT ", 4) == 0) /* start of an entry? */
summary_line[3] = summary_line[0] = ' ' ;
summary_line[1] = s[4] ; /* output interrupt number */
summary_line[2] = s[5] ;
summary_line[4] = '\0' ;
len = 4 ;
s = buffer[line+1] ;
while (*s && isspace(*s))
s++ ;
if (strncmp(s,"AX",2) == 0)
i = 4 ;
else if (strncmp(s,"AH",2) == 0)
i = 2 ;
i = 0 ;
if (i)
while (*s && *s != '=')
s++ ;
s++ ; /* skip the equal sign */
while (*s && isspace(*s))
s++ ;
if (strchr("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef",*s) != NULL)
summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
summary_line[len++] = ' ' ;
if (i == 4)
summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
summary_line[len++] = *s ;
summary_line[len++] = '-' ;
summary_line[len++] = '-' ;
summary_line[len++] = ' ' ;
/* wasn't legal digit, so no numbers */
strcpy(summary_line+len,"-- -- ") ;
len += 6 ;
strcpy(summary_line+len,"-- -- ") ;
len += 6 ;
if (page_numbers)
itoa(pages_printed,num,10) ;
for (i = strlen(num) ; i < 3 ; i++)
summary_line[len++] = ' ' ;
strcpy(summary_line+len,num) ;
len += strlen(num) ;
summary_line[len++] = ' ' ;
s = buffer[line] + 7 ; /* find function description */
while (*s && !isspace(*s))
s++ ;
while (*s && isspace(*s))
s++ ;
max_descrip = (page_numbers ? MAXLINE-16 : MAXLINE-12) ;
for (i = 0 ; i < max_descrip && *s ; i++)
summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
summary_line[len] = '\0' ;
if (do_summary)
output_line(summary_line,summary) ;
void start_format(line)
char *line ;
indent_line(formats) ;
put_line(formats,79) ;
fputc('\n',formats) ;
indent_line(formats) ;
fputs(summary_line,formats) ;
fputc('\n',formats) ;
indent_line(formats) ;
fputc('\t',formats) ;
fputs(line+10,formats) ;
fputc('\n',formats) ;
echo_format = TRUE ;
void print_line(line)
char *line ;
if (*line)
if (divider_line(line))
indent_line(stdout) ;
put_line(stdout,79) ;
fputc('\n', stdout) ;
echo_format = FALSE ;
output_line(line, stdout) ;
if (echo_format)
output_line(line,formats) ;
fputc('\n', stdout) ;
echo_format = FALSE ;
void print_buffer(first,last,lines_per_page,total_lines,use_FF)
int first, last, lines_per_page, total_lines ;
int use_FF ;
int i, ind ;
pages_printed++ ;
for (i = first ; i < last ; i++)
if (pages_printed >= first_page && pages_printed <= last_page)
print_line(buffer[i]) ;
if (do_summary || do_formats) /* need summary lines if doing formats */
summarize(summary,i,pages_printed) ;
if (do_formats && strncmp(buffer[i],"Format of ",10) == 0)
start_format(buffer[i]) ;
if (pages_printed >= first_page && pages_printed <= last_page)
if (page_numbers)
for (i = last - first ; i < lines_per_page - 1 ; i++)
fputc('\n', stdout) ;
indent_line(stdout) ;
for (ind = 0 ; ind < 38 ; ind++) /* normal indent + 38 spaces */
fputc(' ', stdout) ;
fputs("- ", stdout) ;
itoa(pages_printed, num, 10) ;
fputs(num, stdout) ;
fputs(" -\n", stdout) ;
if (use_FF)
fputc('\f', stdout) ;
for (i = page_numbers?lines_per_page:(last-first) ; i<total_lines ; i++)
fputc('\n', stdout) ;
void _Cdecl main(argc,argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
int lines_per_page = 60 ;
int total_lines = 66 ;
int use_FF = TRUE ;
int Epson_mode = FALSE ;
int last_line ;
int body_lines ;
char *summary_file = NULL ;
char *formats_file = NULL ;
char *last_page_num ;
if (argc == 1 && isatty(0))
usage() ; /* give help if invoked with no args and keybd input */
while (argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] == '-')
switch (argv[1][1])
case 'e':
indent = 8 ;
break ;
case 'E':
Epson_mode = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'I':
IBM_chars = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'p':
page_numbers = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'B':
Epson_bold = TRUE ;
/* fall through to -b */
case 'b':
boldface = TRUE ;
break ;
case 'n':
pages_printed = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
break ;
case 'r':
first_page = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
last_page_num = strchr(argv[1]+2, ':') ;
last_page = last_page_num ? atoi(last_page_num+1) : 0 ;
if (last_page == 0)
last_page = 9999 ;
break ;
case 'i':
indent = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
break ;
case 's':
summary_file = argv[1]+2 ;
break ;
case 'f':
formats_file = argv[1]+2 ;
break ;
case 'w':
widow_length = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
break ;
usage() ;
argv++ ;
argc-- ;
if (summary_file && *summary_file)
if ((summary = fopen(summary_file, pages_printed ? "a":"w")) != NULL)
do_summary = TRUE ;
fputs("unable to open summary file\n", stderr) ;
if (formats_file && *formats_file)
if ((formats = fopen(formats_file, pages_printed ? "a":"w")) != NULL)
do_formats = TRUE ;
fputs("unable to open formats file\n", stderr) ;
if (argc >= 2)
lines_per_page = atoi(argv[1]) ;
if (argc == 3)
total_lines = atoi(argv[2]) ;
use_FF = FALSE ;
if (total_lines < lines_per_page)
total_lines = lines_per_page ;
use_FF = TRUE ;
if (argc > 3 || lines_per_page == 0) /* too many or non-numeric first param */
usage() ;
if (lines_per_page < 20 || lines_per_page > MAXPAGE)
fputs("Surely you jest! At least 20 and at most 200 lines per page.\n\n", stderr) ;
usage() ;
if (widow_length < 3 || widow_length > lines_per_page / 2)
fputs("Widow lines (-w) must be set to at least 3 and at most one-half of the\n",stderr) ;
fputs("page length. Using default of 10 lines.\n",stderr) ;
widow_length = 10 ;
#ifdef __TURBOC__
setvbuf(stdin,NULL,_IOFBF,10240) ; /* use larger disk buffers */
setvbuf(stdout,NULL,_IOFBF,10240) ; /* for better performance */
if (do_summary)
setvbuf(summary,NULL,_IOFBF,4096) ;
if (do_formats)
setvbuf(formats,NULL,_IOFBF,4096) ;
#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
if (do_summary && pages_printed == 0)
{ /* create header, but only on first part */
indent_line(summary) ;
fputs("\t\t\t\tInterrupt Summary\n",summary) ;
indent_line(summary) ;
fputs("\t\t\t\t", summary) ;
put_line(summary,17) ;
fputs("\n\n",summary) ;
indent_line(summary) ;
fputs("INT AH AL", summary) ;
if (page_numbers)
fputs(" Page", summary) ;
fputs("\t\t\tDescription\n", summary) ;
indent_line(summary) ;
put_line(summary,79) ;
fputc('\n', summary) ;
if (do_formats && pages_printed == 0)
{ /* create header, but only on first part */
indent_line(formats) ;
fputs("\t\t\tData Structure Formats\n", formats) ;
indent_line(formats) ;
fputs("\t\t\t", formats) ;
put_line(formats,22) ;
fputs("\n\n", formats) ;
indent_line(formats) ;
fputs("INT AH AL", formats) ;
if (page_numbers)
fputs(" Page", formats) ;
fputs("\t\tData Structure\n", formats) ;
if (Epson_mode)
indent = 0 ; /* -E overrides -e and -i */
fputs(EPSON_ELITE_ON,stdout) ;
fputs("\033l\007", stdout) ;
if (page_numbers)
body_lines = lines_per_page - 2 ;
body_lines = lines_per_page ;
last_line = 0 ;
while (!feof(stdin))
fill_buffer(last_line,body_lines) ;
last_line = find_page_break(body_lines) ;
print_buffer(0,last_line,lines_per_page,total_lines,use_FF) ;
if (last_line < body_lines)
print_buffer(last_line,body_lines,lines_per_page,total_lines,use_FF) ;
if (Epson_mode)
fputs(EPSON_ELITE_OFF,stdout) ;
fputs("\033l", stdout) ; /* cancel Elite mode and indent */
fputc('\0', stdout) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
itoa(pages_printed, num, 10) ;
fputs(num, stderr) ;
fputs(" pages\n", stderr) ;
if (do_summary)
fclose(summary) ;
if (do_formats)
fclose(formats) ;
exit(0) ;